Friday, February 28, 2014

The third batch of terminals has successfully arrived!

Dear Partners,

We are happy to inform you that the third batch of kiosks has arrived to Abu-Dhabi and has been successfully placed on our warehouse on February 17, 2014!

This time three forty-footer containers with 180 units in total has arrived.
Currently, the number of terminals in Abu-Dhabi is 414.

Fast and stable equipment supply is, without a doubt, a very important factor in achieving the goals. And now we have directed all our efforts on the fastest terminals delivery to the installation spots.

You can recognize the discharging place where two first batches of our terminals have been discharged.

This time not two forty-footer containers have arrived as there were previously, but three!

"Winter coolness" encourages a fast and precise work on moving the terminals to the Taunigma Company’s warehouse.

All 180 carefully packed terminals are successfully moved to the warehouse.

NT.Payments (Taunigma FZE & Taulink IT) Team.