Early morning people are hurrying to work, gulping hot coffee on the run, yawning and looking through the notes of their diaries. Recently waken up city is fool of sounds, smells, snatches of conversations in different languages. Lifts in office buildings are creeping up and down with soft rustle.
Having his bicycle parked near ADCP building Tower C business center, this tall young man is hurrying to work as well. He aims to the office of NT.Payments system companies group being one of the first to arrive. Get acquainted: the hero of our today’s report is Rasul. He is our manager of support service, one of those who rush to answer any questions of partners, to help, to give an advice, to support and explain.
If you ask a random passer how he imagines a service support employee, you are sure to meet two extremes: people either think of a schooled young lady in a suit and with a headset in her ear, or they imagine a shaggy dropout student wearing a stretched shirt, who answers clients from home, chewing a sandwich and wiping his fingers on the keyboard, earning a couple of cents. Actually both of these images are wrong. Really Rasul seldom wears a suit, preferring comfortable and stylish casual clothes, as he always is “behind the scenes” – just a voice by the phone or as lines of answers for tickets. And he is a real professional, specialist in the Western European countries, Candidate of Historical Sciences and interpreter in German language. Except German, Rasul speaks Kazakh, Spanish and English. And after he came to the Emirates he started leaning Arabic as well.
Entering the office he first of all switches on his computer. It has never happened that the system met him with no requests. Second obligatory component of the morning is music – it helps to catch positive mood and get into gear. All the people addressing support are different, but all of them are equally very important to the company. The staff of this department is real virtuosos in planning and psychology. Unbelievable but true – they are always able to assess the situation quickly and find the right solution. Someone may be depressed with such an intensive work, but Rasul says: “I like it very much. I like to work with people, always try to find an approach to every client individually, solving problems ASAP. The best reward for me is satisfied partners, our investors”.
Amusing incidents also happen. Recently one could see the following picture when entered to the support service – Rasul was staring at the screen and after that started to laugh soundlessly in order not to disturb the other employees. It appeared that he’d got an annoyed request asking “What do you need from me? What the hell?” and there was an attached letter from some European bank offering services. When finished laughing Rasul explained politely that this request was not from our company but if it would help, he was ready to explain its meaning to the client.
And are there any favorite clients? Certainly, no. It’s professional – all the clients are favorite and important. But with a special warmness Rasul think of those who start their request with greeting and wishing a nice day. “And especially pleasant is when people know you already and ask about you personally. There were cases when between the questions about the profitability of terminals I was suddenly asked: “Rasul, have you eaten anything today? You must eat well!” It’s so cute!” – shares the hero of our report.
Surely the work in the support service is an inevitable stress. “There are difficulties in every profession and certainly our department has its own specificity. At work I often have to keep on the pulse implementation of projects that depend on the staff of commercial, technical, financial and development departments”. But restraint and tact are the professional skills already. So even in the very difficult situation the specialists of this direction never lose positive, tact and kindly attitude. “What you say!” – shrugs Rasul, - “It’s not only my merit! The generally friendly atmosphere of the company also helps! Colleagues are always able to improve your mood, there is a team spirit and permanent feeling that every employee makes one big deal. It gives strength!”.
By the way, you may also know Rasul – he was a co-host at the Traditional Arabic Conference of Taunigma – the very person who was speaking German. Anyway, Rasul communicates with our German partners every day and feels especially sympathizing to them. “The peculiarity of working with Germans is politeness first of all. The language itself is accurate and structured that builds special relationships. The main features of our German partners are discipline and patience. Even coming across a serious problem they obligatory show their tact with the opponent and gratitude to the employees of the support service and to the whole managing company”.
It seems that such every-day-multitasking work is sure to frazzle anyone out, and once there comes a day off, all the staff of the support service close all the locks and sleep, sleep, sleep… But it’s definitely wrong about Rasul. At the weekends you’ll probably meet him at the beach swim-racing or at the seafront cycling together with the colleagues who are his friends! And I'll tell you one thing: hardly anybody will overtake them – ‘cause they’re a team!
NT.Payments (Taunigma FZE & Kiosk IT System Trading LLC)