Sunday, January 19, 2020

The solemn event for landlords

The satisfaction of customers and partners of NT.Payments system have always been a priority for our company. Business success and its value depend on the quality of business relations, as they clearly demonstrate the ideology of developing priorities of people who have decided to cooperate on a long-term basis.

Our company is known that it is actively engaged in boosting the culture of large-scale promotions and holding solemn meetings with the partners, standing out clearly among the competitors in the market. We are known first as a company that skillfully presents technological innovations necessary for consumers, keeping in mind to encourage all people involved in the overall success.

Recently, we held an event to encourage landlords who provide NT.Payments terminals with the premises. As you know, the specifics of our business are characterized by the high involvement of the owners of retail and service spaces cooperating with us and their loyalty and interest in joint development is valued quite highly. Being prepared for a mutually beneficial partnership helps us to implement many ideas and plans.

The event was to encourage and reward loyal landlords with the highest turnover and dedication to their terminals, with the aim of increasing the loyalty of the latter and sharing useful experience among the partners. The territorial coverage was the whole of the Emirates, with 300 people awarded.

Gift packages presented to landlords as an assessment of their contribution to the development of our payment system and services included NT.Payments branded products, which our partners will consider to be part of a large and socially important business. In addition, the management of the company, decided to reward all partners for their loyalty to the values of common ideas, and to present an exclusive certificate for placing their own business advertising on the displays of NT.Payments kiosks for AED 500 each. In addition, they also received a personalized top-up voucher for the NT.Wallet mobile app.

The doors of our offices are always open to visitors and guests who we warmly welcome. Unfortunately, we do not always manage to see our landlords at the company office, so employees of the commercial department have personally visited every landlord on the spot to pesent commemorative gifts. An obligatory element of each meeting was a solemn presentation of the certificate "The best partner of the company" and a memorable photo, as well as words of gratitude for joint work. Such recognition by the company of the business partners underlines their special contribution to success. We hope that such meetings will further strengthen their trust and our close cooperation will be long and fruitful.