Dear partners!
The top management of Kiosk IT System Trading LLC has estimated the work of sales managers in order to define the level of the staff’s qualification, their skills and professional qualities.
During a whole month the sales department staff has been undertaking an extension courses targeted to studying the new tools and checking their knowledge about the standards, rules of work and the procedure of terminals’ installation.
To make the process of studying successful the management has developed the regulations, the systems of knowledge’s control, and business processes; the standards of work were updated and the new working tools were implemented.
As a result of the certification all the managers of the company have proved their professional level and got the memorable gifts from the management: “It’s important to get new professional knowledge for me and for my colleagues from the department. The additional education has given us the new interesting opportunities. We were taught the new programs that could optimize the work of the department. Also we were given some advices about how to act in different situations, how to work with landlords, and so on. It’s important as our work is first of all communication with people. So I’m grateful to our management for their advertence and understanding the necessity of the professional growth and training the employees of sales sphere” – told us Roman, a sales manager.
Kiosk IT System Trading LLC company has a serious approach to education and re-certification of the staff. The management takes care of the professional development of the employees that will definitely influence positively the general result of the company’s work.
NT.Payments (Taunigma FZE & Kiosk IT System Trading LLC)