Sunday, March 31, 2019

Kiosk IT System Trading LLC 5 years!

Kiosk IT System Trading LLC has been founded on February 16, 2014. This company has become our second home ever since. We have been demonstrating the ability to orient in needs of the market over these 5 years and meet all the necessary requests of users and customers, simultaneously gtting over the most complicated challenges. 

We couldn`t neglect such a memorable event since good weather reigns in this time of year in the Emirates. We took a quick decision to hold a team building straight away as the green island of Yas is an excellent and proven place for taking such events. 

Tempting dishes, cold drinks, and a friendly atmosphere gave us plenty of precious impressions which we carefully tried to capture in photos while outdoor games reminded us that nothing human is strange to us. 

Our corporate heroes Mr.Cash and Mr.Pay deserve a special mentioning who were under utmost popularity with children that day and posed pleasurably for cameras and taking memorable photos with anyone eager. We did not forget about the presents either so that our young friends were especially pleased with the given attention. 

The presence of management is an excellent example of socializing with colleagues which helps enhance team spirit and find common topics for conversation. 

We have also organized various competitions where employees demonstrated creativity and improvisation while funny nominations with rewards of individual colleagues for their skills and outstanding abilities show that our sense of humor as right as rain. 

The logical conclusion of company birthday was a birthday cake which was very colorful and matched the corporate colors of our company. 

5 years is a short period for a young company. First five years passed with success. We have constantly demonstrated commitment and devotion to the common goal by taking our place in the market at first, then expanding towards new promising areas and services. Our high profile employees who show their professionalism and dedication to corporate ideas day after day help us in doing this. 

We hope that this short period is just the beginning of new achievements and the bright child represented by our birthday boy will grow up and become an experienced and business-like man who already rightfully occupies a leading position in the market.

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